

DTP Multicalc

DTP Multicalc calculates picas, points, inches, millimeters and fractional inches.

You can add, subtract, multiply or divide in any field you like. You can copy the result from each field to the clipboard through the contextual menu. Or you can select the whole tape and copy it with the copy menu command. You can save or print the tape. You can change the colors of the window and the active field.


DTP Multicalc
by foboos – Jul 20, 2018
I don’t use this everyday, but when I need it I NEED IT. In the layout design process, being able to calculate picas/points is invaluable. Plus, it automatically converts to fractional and decimal inches and mm. I needed DTP Multicalc today (and learned I needed an update to use it with High Sierra) to calculate adjustments to a wood router slot cutter, converting fractional inch to mm.


 DTP Multicalc Window


DTP Multicalc 2.3

OS X 10.11 or later

Download on the Mac App Store




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